Scheduling Best Practices: Example Topic
Following are just some of the many topics covered in the Scheduling Best Practices Training Course, pertaining to defining activities within a construction schedule.
“Basic Rules” to follow when establishing construction schedule activities
All Activity Descriptions must be unique
The easiest way to do this is to include area information in the Activity Description
Example: “Level 1/Install flooring”
This allows for easier logic chasing
An activity is defined by the work able to be performed by a single crew in a continuous effort
Examples of bad activities:
“MEP Rough-in” – Potentially three separate subcontractors
“FRP Walls” – Potentially two separate crews (forming, rebar installation)
“Rough-in” – Distinguish between overhead, in-wall, under-floor as these tasks may be
performed at separate times during the “rough-in” stage of construction.
Include a verb in the activity description:
“Install cabinets” instead of “Cabinets”
Activity durations should not exceed the length of the update period – typically monthly (20 working days)
Check specifications – some will mandate a maximum duration.
Procurement activities are exempt from this rule.
Only one activity in the schedule should be without a predecessor relationship
Typically, “Notice to Proceed”
Only one activity in the schedule should be without a successor relationship
Typically, “Final Completion”
Each activity start must be restrained by logic
Each activity should have at least 1 FS or SS predecessor relationship