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Project Forensics and Analysis

Hainline has worked world-wide and has developed an outstanding reputation as problem solvers within the construction industry. The Hainline team possesses the skills and tenacity to minimize the impact of disputes through the following services:
Claim Preparation and Analysis 
We work with clients and counsel to objectively examine project records and isolate critical issues. We are experts in entitlement, quantum, and schedule delay analysis. 
Expert Testimony 
We take pride in creating reports that are clear, well organized, and straightforward. When expert opinions or interpretations are necessary, we are well prepared to analyze contemporaneous documents and reach valid objective conclusions. Our experts have been qualified in courts at state and federal levels, including the U.S. Court of Claims. Hainline has participated in hundreds of mediations and arbitration throughout our thirty-plus years of service. We have testified on a variety of issues including: contract interpretation, means and methods, scheduling and delay analysis, construction cost accounting, and damage calculations.

Defective Construction
Analysis of alleged construction defects begins with the ability to recognize deficiencies. Our team has the ability to offer informed expert opinions regarding the expectations by the parties involved in a construction contract. Mediators, Arbitrators, Judges, and Juries have recognized our qualifications and expertise in these matters. 
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